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Stockholm, Sweden, September 5, 2023

In a world where AI-driven advancements have taken center stage, Ebbot, a Swedish tech company specializing in chatbots and AI technology since 2018, has emerged as a pioneer in the field. The company is proud to announce the launch of their own GPT model, custom-designed for revolutionizing customer support.

The use of AI to automate customer support is not a novel concept, but it hasn't always lived up to expectations, leading many businesses to approach AI chatbots with caution.

However, the landscape changed dramatically with the release of ChatGPT.

"The rapid development of AI, particularly ChatGPT, has transformed both businesses' and consumers' perceptions and expectations of chatbots and how they can interact with them," says Oliver Young, Product Manager at Ebbot.

Ebbot has witnessed the market's shift from skepticism to enthusiasm for chatbots, with growing confidence in their capabilities and potential. While some companies have already embraced services integrated with generally trained GPT models, challenges arise from such solutions.

Oliver Young explains,

"The risk of using a chatbot provider without its own GPT model is the potential loss of control over data security and personal data handling. Many third-party solutions store data outside the EU, subject to different rules and laws on data protection."

In response to market demand, Ebbot has developed their own GPT model, based on the same technology as ChatGPT, but with a crucial difference. Ebbot's model is both GDPR-compliant and tailored to respond exclusively based on company-specific data.

"With EbbotGPT, we can ensure that the chatbot only responds to company-specific data, which is of utmost importance in customer support. There's no room for the bot to generate its own responses, such as recommending a competing product or service," he adds.

Besides being customized for customer support, the new model has transformed how chatbots are built and administered in the Ebbot platform.

"Unlike the traditional way of building chatbots in the platform, you can now create an entirely new chatbot in just a few minutes. For example, you can use an FAQ file as training data, and after training, the chatbot can generate an infinite number of unique responses based on the FAQ content. This faster chatbot creation process also makes it more cost-effective to develop and maintain a chatbot, providing more companies and organizations the opportunity to have one," explains Oliver Young.

The new GPT model is set to launch in early September, making Ebbot the first Swedish company to offer a dedicated GPT model tailored for customer support. Companies interested in this groundbreaking technology can request access here.

About Ebbot

Ebbot is a Swedish technology company founded to improve the performance of service teams of businesses with AI. Today the Ebbot platform offers a wide range of tools that businesses can use to manage-, respond to, and automate conversations. Our experts make sure that our customers deliver an exceptional conversational user experience tailored to their needs, whether it's by using live chat, chatbots, or a mix of both!

Media Contact:

Axel Hellström
+46 70 5454 101

Oliver Wirström
September 5, 2023