The story of how a GOOD Energy Company elevated their customer experience in times of stress.

Support handling times drastically down
Automatic GDPR process
One touch ticket solutions
67% handled by chatbot

January 2022 was in the Swedish energy industry a month that was to be remembered as the dreaded month of the “January Invoice”. Prices had surged due to energy supply shortages, and many customers were shocked when their invoice arrived, with energy prices higher than it had ever been before. The support volumes were overwhelming, to say the least.

Luckily, January 2022, was also the month where GodEl launched their chatbot through Ebbot.

Enhanced support and availability in Hello Ebbot

Status Messages: We support this via Aria Live regions

Each message written by an agent is spoken to screen readers using Aria live regions.

Make sure text can be magnified without problems

The widget customizes its content when magnifying the content.

Use text, not images, to display text

The widget complements the icons in the main menu with text

Select clearly which field or element is in focus

Fields that are in focus are clearly displayed.

Orientation: support is available.

The widget adjusts the height, which means that the orientation of the device does not matter.

The results

One of the most common enquiries – switching to an hourly rate – were handled 20x faster in the chat compared to phone calls and 20% faster compared to email.

Ebbot handled the majority of “switching to hourly rate” enquiries and truly took the load off during a difficult time where this question stood for 38% of all tickets.

Support handling times went drastically down

Agents report feeling way more prepared coming into customer interactions. Partly due to the customer information collected beforehand, partly due to being able to see the conversations between customers and the bot to get a deeper understanding of the problem.

Tickets are on the verge of already being solved when they come in

As the bot does most of the grunt admin work the better part of a ticket is already handled once an agent starts working on it in Zendesk.

One touch ticket solutions – 84% with Ebbot

The ambition of working toward handling tickets with one touch only has been massively helped through the Ebbot solution. 84% of cases solved at the first encounter while 13% of the remaining cases were solved at the second response.

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